Friday, April 19, 2013

I survived. That is my greatest accomplishment to date.

Bullying is a big, no, HUGE problem in our country, and it seems no one really cares about it. Unless it happens to them or, for some, to their kids... Until it's too late.

I won't lie, there are many that this problem as touched, and many who are out there making a difference. I applaud and support them. They are out there fighting the endless fight, helping and saving those who so desparately need it. And yet, there are those that either just don't care or they they don't how to handle it. They turn their backs and ignore it. Some parents even take it out on the kids that are the victims, blaming them for not doing anything, not saying anything... when it's their, the parents, job to keep the kids safe.

Sometimes the worst of the bullying is at home...

I'm writing this blog to recount, to the best of my abilities, what I have been through and endured. Maybe someone reads this, maybe no one will. But I hope to help those that are being bullied  and to let them know that they are not alone.

And together, we can survive.

To clear things up, I never really received physical abuse. Most of it was mental and emotional, but sometimes that's the worst. Bruises fade and cuts heal, but the scars that no one can see are the easiest to reopen.

As I post, the timeline of events won't be straight, they will jump around as they resurface. As I recall one memory, two follow and so on and I know that it may be confusing, but remember, it's been 20+ years since the first account that I can remember, details resurfacing as I dive into my past.

No names will be mentioned and some things may seem overly exaggerated to some, but this is how I felt, what I went through, my thoughts that were plaguing me at that time.

Sometimes they still do.

They never left me.

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